This article is for setting up your Personal Hotspot on your Ranch Ehrlo iPhone. If you have a Ranch Ehrlo iPhone you will have the SaskTel unlimited data plan.
Step One: Set up Personal Hotspot
- Go to Settings -> Cellular -> Personal Hotspot (or) Settings -> Personal Hostpot
- Tap the slider next to Allow Others to Join.
(Personal Hotspot Example screen)
Step Two: Open your Computer's Wifi
- Open your Wifi settings in the bottom right of your computer and find the Hotspot network. It should begin with "RC#######" if it is a Ranch Ehrlo iPhone.
- Type in the password that can be found in your Personal Hotspot settings on your iPhone.
(Windows 10 Example)
Step Three: Disable Personal Hotspot
After finishing your session of Hotspotting, go to your Personal Hotspot settings and tap the slider to disable your Personal Hotspot.