Staff in Workforce are not able to cancel or delete their own PTO requests, their supervisor must be the one to cancel the request for them.

Supervisors will see "Decline and Notify" and "Delete Request" buttons on PTO requests submitted by staff that they supervise. 

Using the "Decline and Notify" button allows the supervisor to send their staff an email notifying them the request has been cancelled. Supervisors can input a custom message to notify their staff with. 


The "Delete Request" button will not notify staff that the request has been cancelled, but will still perform the PTO cancellation.

Staff can notify their supervisor they wish for their PTO to be cancelled using email/chat messages, or they can utilize the PTO comment feature to notify their supervisor through Workforce that they wish for a request to be cancelled. This will send their supervisor an email with the comment left on the PTO request and direct the supervisor to which request the employee is requesting be cancelled.