The earning group a staff member is part of (OT12 vs non-OT12) will determine how stat holidays appear on their schedule and how their timesheet will look.

OT12 Staff


An 8 hour “Stat Holiday-OT12” time-off entry will be added to OT12 staff’s schedules at least 6 months ahead of the stat holiday. It will be added to the exact day of the stat and stack alongside any other scheduled shifts or PTO requests for the day. 

The 8 hour stat holiday time-off entry serves as a placeholder that allows the system to reduce the number of hours worked in an averaging period that makes an employee eligible for overtime pay (the 160 hour rule). The actual stat credit staff receive is calculated separately by payroll and may not necessarily be 8 hours for all staff.


For staff who enter their hours via the Workforce desktop website, they will not see their scheduled shift by default on a stat holiday. The stat holiday will hide any scheduled shifts. 

Staff/managers will need to click the “+”button on the stat holiday to be able to see the scheduled shift “hiding” underneath the stat holiday entry to be able to enter their hours worked. 

Staff who work on the stat holiday will receive STAOT pay on their timesheet. If working on a camp trip, home-visit trip, or sleepover shift that has an overnight sleeping portion the staff will receive MINOT for the sleeping portion of the sleep.

Staff who clock in and out for their shifts using the Workforce mobile app will not need to do anything differently for stat holidays.  


Staff scheduled to work stat holidays will still need to submit a relevant time-off request to request PTO for that day. When making the PTO request, staff may receive a warning about a date range overlap for an existing time off request.

This warning can be ignored, and the request can be submitted for the number of hours needed that day.

Non-OT12 Staff


An 8 hour “Stat Holiday” time-off type will be added to non-OT12 staff’s schedules at least 6 months ahead of the stat holiday. If the stat falls on a weekday, the stat holiday will appear on this exact day. If the stat falls on a weekend, the stat holiday will appear on the closest business day which will be the recognized stat holiday instead. 

Non-OT12 staff who do not work the stat holiday should have any scheduled shifts removed on this day. 


Staff will see the stat holiday entry on their timesheet. There will be nothing additional non-OT12 staff need to enter for stat holidays. Staff should not enter any hours worked for this day through the desktop site or through the mobile app unless they worked this day and need to be paid overtime. 


Non-OT12 staff will not need to use PTO on stat holidays, including recognized stat holidays that fall during a weekday. Staff can view their schedule to see which day has the stat holiday time-off type that they do not need to use PTO for.

When making a PTO submission, a message will appear flagging if a day being requested off is a stat holiday. Staff can adjust the number of hours they are submitting PTO for accordingly to not include the stat holiday.